This is also called the contrastive stress. It is a stress which directs attention or lays a special emphasis on a particular word in a given statement.

 This emphasized word usually receives the emphatic stress in capital letters or italics. Candidates are expected to choose an option from the list provided that would satisfy the indicative sentence given.

In order to choose the right option, candidates should observe the following principles

1.Any option that contains the emphasized word i.e the word written in capital letters or italics should not be chosen as the right answer.

2.Where the word that receives the emphatic stress is not in any of the options, you are required to look out for its opposite in the options.

3.Most times the sentence which forms the basis for the questions; will serve as the right answer to one of the options. Remember that the options are usually in the questions.

4.Always pay attention to the word in rubrics

5.Sometimes, two options may not contain the emphasized word but may contain a word each which contrasts with the emphasized word.

 This will undoubtedly make both options appears as if they were both right. When this is the case ,the option that contains a key word not used In the statement that forms the basis of the question should not be chosen as the right option.


1.The president SPOKE to the press

A.Did the president speak to the press?
B.Who spoke to the press?
C.Did the president write to the press?
D.Are these the pressmen the president spoke to?

The correct option is C

2.Yemi scrubs the floor every SATURDAY.

A.Does Ngozi scrub the floor every Saturday?
B.Does Yemi sweep the floor every Saturday?
C.Does Yemi scrub the floor every Sunday?
D.Does Yemi scrub the wall every Saturday?

            The correct option is C

Compiled: Adam A.
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  1. Interesting sir,
    Thank sir for a job well-done.

  2. Anticipate another exclusive article on this concept

  3. Great,very explanatory.
    Thank you Sir.
    💪💪💪May God bless you.

  4. Anticipate another exclusive article on this concept


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