JTC Career Summit

Un-stitched Bridge JTC Presents a career summit for the fresh secondary school leavers themed... "Un-stitched Bridge" The program is focused on Stitching the unstitched bridge as reflected from the theme of the event. The Program features a number of activities that will get the students informed about vital info on how have a good career background in this era and also for them to catch fun and relax their nerves after the little stress they've been through during their examination. FEATURES : ▪Lecture 《Topic: The Cross Road》 ▪Mind Game ▪Panelist Session 《The broken loop between Academics and Education in this info-digital age》 ▪Interlude ▪Word Challenge ▪And Others The Fee to book a space is a token of #2000. The payment can be made physically at JTC head office at 2B Raji Street, Dopemu-agege, Lagos. You can also pay to the account of the main Admin and get ...